Reyna Tanner graduated from the University of Southern California, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Southwestern University School of Law. Upon admission to the California State Bar in 1998, Mrs. Tanner served as a Deputy Attorney General for the State Attorney General’s Office, where she was assigned to the Criminal Division and worked on federal and state appeals, writs, and trials. Mrs. Tanner joined Manulkin, Tanner, & Associates in 2000. Mrs. Tanner’s field of expertise is primarily in immigration appellate matters and motions to reopen prior immigration matters. Mrs. Tanner’s experience in both criminal and immigration appellate work is unique and provides the firm with the expertise required to represent aliens in the highest federal and state courts. Mrs. Tanner has successfully concluded numerous cases in the Circuit Courts of Appeals, the United States Federal District Courts, the California State Courts of Appeals, the Board of Immigration Appeals, the Administrative Appeals Office, as well as the Executive Office of Immigration Review, and California Superior Courts.